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A member registered Dec 06, 2021

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So I usually don't leave comments/reviews on games or comics 'en things but I just cound't help it this time THIS GAME IS JUST SO AAAAAAA!!!! I'm gonna cry from excitement I just finished the game for the first time (I wasn't sure what route I was gonna do first but ended up doing gasters rote and I just turned to mush!!!) and I'm absolutely blown away by how good it is and can't wait to play more, that coupled with the fact that I've been trying to find more undertale games on too, and that I fond this game throw the tumbler blog is even better in my book, all in all this is an amazing game and I'm totally going to check out the others by the creator even if their not all completed yet!!!!!

Hi mirror, I just finished your game it was sssooo cute and i enjoyed each characters personality and design! 10/10 so cool!